6 seconds is all you may have to grab your potential client and hold onto them! 6 seconds and they will have flicked over to the next thing. Standing out has never been so important, but how do you do that?

To ensure that your social media doesn’t damage your personal brand, here are a few guidelines that you should follow.

Reserve Your name and Domains

Even if you aren’t using certain social media platforms just yet, it’s best to reserve your business name as soon as you can – the same goes for your domain. If you are just getting started on social media, try and use the same username across all platforms.

Create a catchy Bio

Make this a couple of sentences, not too long and keep it consistent. An inconsistant bio is not going to do your personal brand any favors. The best thing you can do is turn your elevator pitch into a bio and to ensure that you’re using the same bio across all platforms. 

How YOU look is important

Looking your best is obviously important, but more than that, you need to fit with your brand, its colors, it values. When we see images of you, we should also be seeing a little of what your business means to you too. Having a professional Brand Photography session will give you  a bank of on brand images to choose from, This will not only save you time, but ensure that you strengthen your brand across all your social media platforms. Striking, professional and on brand photographs will create a good and lasting first impression and attract more of your ideal clients.

Think Twice about Your Content

Be selective about the content and social media posts that you publish. Everything you post online has the potential to be stuck online forever, which means it will forever be associated with your personal brand. Consider the words as well as the images you will be using – are they a true representation of your personal brand? 

Be Consistent

If you want to market your personal brand online, consistency is key. You can’t post something randomly, when you remember., not if you want to build trust and a sound reputation. Have a social media strategy, plan your social media posts, and blog posts so that your audience is hearing from you on a regular basis. It’s also important to keep an eye on comments and to engage with your audience in a meaningful way.

Social media can be a powerful personal branding tool but only if you are committed to keeping your profiles updated and are staying consistent and engaged.